Connecting Through Faith
I was raised in a moderate family who practiced Islam, but no one around me wore the hijab. My hijab journey began when I went to perform Hajj (The Muslim Pilgrimage). When I went to the Hajj, I wore the hijab constantly in the holy city of Mecca for 20 days. Once my trip was coming to an end, I found it hard to remove something I became accustomed to, something that became a part of me. I fell in love with the hijab . I received this Quran as a gift when I went to hajj. It was definitely a memorable trip for me.
We have a group of 13 women in my neighbourhood who get together every Wednesday to learn and discuss issues related to Islam. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we no longer had in-person meetings; instead, we had lengthy phone conversations that occasionally lasted two to three hours. Everyone takes pleasure in the class and appreciates participating in the discussions. I believe there is no age for learning, so it is critical that we educate ourselves and others we care about on the religion.
Religion is an important aspect of my daily life, and it is where I choose to spend my time. I turn to God (Allah) whenever I'm in doubt or during times when I feel troubled and need some direction. The religion I practice influences how I talk and act, as well as the ideals I hold to heart. During my day, I like to find some time to sit and read books in my language- Urdu. This gives me a sense of peace, and tranquility, and keeps my heart at ease.